Raze Ecdysterone+
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Categories: Strength & Size

Brand: Repp Sports


Availability: 11 item(s)

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Ecdysterone+ is a natural anabolic booster derived from plants. Ecdysterone was called the "Russian secret" by researchers in the 1980s as a result of allegations that Russian Olympians were taking it as a performance enhancer. In the intervening years, research came to the conclusion that they "should be considered to be included in the class of prohibited substances of the world anti-doping agency." We added black pepper extract to speed up absorption along with ashwagandha extract to assist reduce cortisol levels and raise free testosterone levels in addition to ecdysterone.

  • Bioactive Plant Steroids 
  • Strength and muscle mass have increased. 
  • Enhanced Recover
  • Stress Reduction Support for Natural Testosterone